발간호: Monograph No. 05
KO Bong-Jun (Associate Research Fellow)

The United States has pursued a missile defense (MD) capability until recently without a serious challenge against it. However, other great powers are beginning to respond to it by strengthening their strategic offensive weapons. Now, it seems that a new arms race is inevitable in Northeast Asia and the Pacific. In this situation, a good grasp of contending issues regarding U.S. MD is essential for our national security. By asking five critical questions about U.S. MD, this study clarifies possible effects of U.S. MD on our national security. To maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the region, and to avoid any unwanted outcome, we need to conduct more thorough analyses of international and regional dynamics that would be induced by MD systems.


Is the Missile Defense Defensive or Offensive?

Rogue States’ Threats are Real?

Can it Shoot down Missiles?

Does it make the World more Safe or Reduce the Possibility of War Occuring?

Should we have an MD?

Missile Defense of the United States: Contending Arguments, Feasibility, and a Question Remaining