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So far jpi2020 has created 518 blog entries.

How to realize Jeju Process (printed in KOREAN)

본 발제문에서 필자는 헬싱키 프로세스를 교훈으로 삼아 제주프로세스구상과 관련하여 프로세스의 역사적 태동 배경으로부터 실현 가능한 발전 방향에 이르기까지 전반적인 개념과 모습을 논의의 쟁점으로 제시하고자 한다.

2020-06-23T17:28:23+09:002020년 4월 3일|

Activities for Supporting North Korea by Jeju Sepcial Self-governing Province: An Analysis of Their Strategic Significance towards North-South Korean reconciliation (printed in KOREAN)

이 글은 제주도의 외교정책 보다는, 2000년 6월의 김대중-김정일 남북정상회담이후 남북한 화해협력시대의 개막과 더불어 꾸준히 추진되어온 현재의 특별자치도, 국제자유도시, '세계평화의 섬'으로서의 제주도의 통일정책 내지 대북지원사업의 현황을 긍정적 시각으로 간단히 살펴보고, 2006년 7월 북한의 미사일 발사, 10월 북한의 핵실험 이후 제기되어온 제주도의 일방적 대북지원사업에 대한 회의론을 비판적으로 분석하는 것을 주요 목적으로 한다. 

2020-06-23T17:35:02+09:002020년 4월 3일|

Missile Defense of the United States: Contending Arguments, Feasibility, and a Question Remaining

By asking five critical questions about U.S. MD, this study clarifies possible effects of U.S. MD on our national security. To maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the region, and to avoid any unwanted outcome, we need to conduct more thorough analyses of international and regional dynamics that would be induced by MD systems.

2020-06-23T17:39:04+09:002020년 4월 3일|

The Nature of Cooperation and Conflict Events: Are they Mutually Exclusive?

Despite minor disagreements on the nature of cooperation and conflict, a majority of current works regard these seemingly opposite events as mutually exclusive ones. Concerning this theoretical issue, we organize the following research question: Are cooperation and conflict mutually reinforcing, exclusive, or irrelevant?

2020-06-23T17:42:38+09:002020년 4월 3일|

Are Korea-Japan Relations Peculiar?

The scholarship on Korea-Japan relations is largely divided into the two schools: the historical animosity school and the Realist school. However, this tendency for dichotomization itself prevents researchers from grasping reality. In fact, historical animosity is inseparably intertwined with Realpolitik consideration. Therefore, Korea-Japan relations are explainable in terms of Realism as broadly understood.

2020-06-23T17:45:38+09:002020년 4월 3일|

The Influence of Socio-Economic Conditions on Human Rights Repression

Utilizing previous research on personal integrity rights violations, I attempt to expound upon the theory that economic growth and education promotes political stability which in turn might alleviate a perception of relative deprivation and violence in a society. I predict that increases in education and reductions in income inequality might reduce the incidences of state sponsored repression.

2020-06-23T17:48:36+09:002020년 4월 3일|

Why the Asia-Pacific Regional Center for UN Peace Operations in Jeju

Considering change in the international environment to signify cooperative security measures and peace operations under the name of humanitarian intervention, this study aims to address the rationale for the Asia-Pacific regional center for UN Peace Operation (UNPOC) on Jeju. In the study, which emphasizes the necessity of a UNPOC led by South Korea, it explains why South Korea, as a significant UN member state, needs to increase its role in peace operations. Pointing out the problems of peace operations mainly led by the military, it proposes that future peace operations call for more active participation by non-military sectors.

2020-06-23T17:53:42+09:002020년 4월 3일|