Jeju, Island of World Peace

The Vision for and Role of Jeju to Be Established as a Northeast Asian Environmental Hub

Jeju Island, due to its insular traits, possesses distinctive environmental resources, whose picturesque scenery exhibits a unique local charm. Other valuable assets of the island include its natural environment represented by peculiar geological formations such as Mt. Halla, its mid-mountainous regions, parasitic volcanic cones, waterfalls, and lava tubes, alongside the various living conditions that are home to more than 7,800 species. In this regard, Jeju provincial government has worked to establish the island as a World Environmental Hub (WEH) since it hosted the 2012 World Conservation Congress (WCC). During that year’s WCC, Jeju expressed the will to develop its environmental value into a global brand and reestablish itself with a global social, economic, and environmental system to be recognized as a WEH. The local government had also promoted the Master Plan for Establishing the WEH System since 2014 when it launched the Vision and Plan for the Northeast Asian Environmental Hub (NEH) 2030. This paper examines the requirements for establishing the vision for the NEH system.

2020-12-21T15:03:01+09:002020년 11월 25일|

Jeju, shouting for peace from the periphery: SSE-based NAPEC Model

The recent outbreak of COVID-19 revealed how closely connected the entire world is. However, there remains a place that is yet to be connected: South Korea, our home. As long as the Military Demarcation Line stands, South Korea remains an island in a geopolitical sense. As one of the measures of reconnecting the Korean Peninsula, this essay reviews the Northeast Asian Peace and Economy Cooperation (NAPEC) Model and suggests that Jeju has a critical role to play in Northeast Asia, given its history of overcoming extreme ideological conflict during the Jeju 4·3 Incident and becoming “the island of peace.” I begin with a comparison of Ahn Jung-geun's theory of Oriental Peace and the history of European integration followed by a review of the NAPEC Model that has been promoted by the United Nations (UN) and other related international organizations since the early 1990’s, and conclude with a discussion on the role of Jeju, the island of world peace, in implementing the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), a practical strategy adopted by the UN to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2020-10-15T13:44:27+09:002020년 10월 12일|

Jeju Revisited from the Perspective of Korean Reunification

Jeju, called an island of fantasy, is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world. As a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site, its dramatic landscape illustrates the harmony between nature and people. Jeju is also called an island of peace. Even if the world is becoming increasingly connected, blurring borders with the emergence of global citizenship, the Korean Peninsula remains the only divided nation on Earth. As the division means severance from our interconnected world, Korean unification, people on the Korean Peninsula hope, is imperative to achieve world peace. This essay reinvents Jeju as “Island of Unification and Peace."

2020-09-17T14:55:55+09:002020년 9월 17일|

Jeju: A Pivot for the Peace Culture

The year 2020 marks the 15th anniversary of the designation of Jeju as the ‘Island of World Peace’ by the Korean Government. Jeju has been consolidating the status based on its rich humanistic resources and natural environment. How could Jeju become an island, enjoying freedom from structural violence? The author gives credit to Jeju’s communal solidarity and spirit towards peace which helped overcome its structural violence of the past. Furthermore, he suggests strategies for developing Jeju as a symbolic space for new criteria and culture of peace.

2020-09-17T09:44:53+09:002020년 9월 7일|

North Korean Nuclear Issue as a Thought Challenge in East Asia

The North Korean nuclear problem, one of the most difficult issues to resolve, has become a regional concern of East Asia beyond the Korean Peninsula for the last 20 years. The regionalization of the North Korean nuclear problem means that this issue can determine the future of the region, and also makes regional actors closely intertwined. For North Korea, which is using the nuclear program as diplomatic leverage to sustain its regime, the regionalization of the nuclear issue is their survival strategy. As the nuclear problem is not just North Korea’s issue, we need to view it as a concern of the Korean Peninsula and East Asia. This essay will address the North Korean nuclear problem as a thought challenge.

2020-09-17T09:45:31+09:002020년 8월 20일|

A Wise Approach for Jeju Island in Preparing Unification

Even if Jeju has taken initiative in humanitarian assistance to North Korea, authorities in Pyongyang is reluctant to improve the relationship with South Korea. In this circumstance, despite our enthusiasm and willingness, we cannot expect continuous and stable exchanges and cooperation with the North. Moreover, given the recent inter-Korean relations, it is hard to produce a meaningful outcome with the North for the time being. Nonetheless, the strained inter-Korean relationship needs to be re-established, and also substantive preparations and efforts are necessary towards non-hostile coexistence, avoiding unrealistic discussions. This essay explored ways to achieve non-hostile coexistence.

2020-09-17T09:45:59+09:002020년 7월 30일|

Cold War Landscape in East Asia and Jeju Dark Tour

The term “Cold War” first came into existence when Bernard Baruch, an influential advisor to Democratic presidents, used it in his speech on 16 April 1947 to describe the specific post-war geopolitical confrontation between the Soviet and the United States. Since then until the dissolution of the Soviet in 1989, the majority of the world had absorbed in an arms race, being divided into two camps: the United States and the Soviet with their respective allies.

2020-05-24T14:44:12+09:002020년 5월 18일|

Two years after Panmunjom Declaration and Jeju’s role in inter-Korean Relations

This year marks the 30th anniversary since Germans saw the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic unite as one nation. Europe already underwent changes a generation ago when the Soviet collapsed and Eastern Europe has been in many people’s travel bucket lists for a long time before the Coronavirus pandemic.

2020-05-24T14:44:23+09:002020년 4월 28일|

The Circular Jeju

Recently, the European and some of the world’s developed countries have actively introduced the circular economy model. The circular economy refers to a system that repeatedly circulates to the utmost extent possible the goods that are produced and consumed, the parts and raw materials that those goods consist of, and the value created from them, thus minimizing the loss and consequential waste generated in the process.

2020-05-24T14:44:30+09:002020년 2월 28일|

History and the Future of Peace on Jeju Island: from a Symbol of Frontier towards Peace in Northeastern Asia

On January 27, 2005, a former South Korean president, Roh Moo-hyun, (in office from 2003.2.25 to 2008.2.24) declared, “The South Korean government has designated Jeju as the ‘Island of World Peace’ to encourage contribution to world peace by creatively inheriting the tradition of sammu (a tradition of Jeju that emphasizes the absence of gates, thieves and beggars)

2020-05-24T14:44:39+09:002019년 12월 9일|